
Crib Death Lyrics

There's a simple u.n. Formula now
Need a quarter million body count before they send the blue boys out
Neutered League of nations
It's cowardice repaid
Brave muslims wake their a**** up with a mushroom over belgrade
Gold, opium for plutonium
Warheads cross the lines
Snake before each nation's gate
Options out of time
A soldier out of combat is a child without a face
Don't covet them as guardians that cant be replaced
A world war economy is what this order needs
Combat channels will sow them with our seeds
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Lullaby Land (1994)
Trilobite Catacomb Crib Death Dogchild Gargoyles Grace Tremulous Glow Worm Lullaby Land Dervish Scavenger Exuviate Akrotiri Toten Faschist Nosedive Bosch Erotique Hubba Hubba Cartouche Awaken Raga Rodentia Passage