
Procession Lyrics

(words by Kris Scheerlinck)

Stride with us to the edge of the world
Hands on my back bare feet I walk
Despair and ignorance have always been our part
But soon salvation shall be ours boy
Prepare to stride with us to the edge of the world

Stride with us to the edge of the world

When the banner and cross appear at the north
Stride with me to the edge of the world
Growing hopes being confident will soon come to an end
Stride with me to the edge of the world
Shall I give it up is it all worthwhile
Stride with me to the edge of the world
There's no mercy in you, no surrender from our side
Stride with me to the edge of the world
Why did we struggle for this cause
Did we stand up to be stroke down
Did we speak up to spread the beauty
Raising my voice could only bait the beast
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