
Everyone's Disease Lyrics

Have we sung a silent lullaby
to the wild rainbow b***erfly?
Have we ventured one last b**py ride
on the bird of paradise,
then locked it in a cage?
Has the cold, angry, bitter steel hook
smashed the eversmiling sword of wood?
Has the last invisible dinner been cooked?
Where's the happy thought?
Has it flown away?

Look at the child,
don't you see there is so much to gain
and still more to lose.
Look in the mirror,
I see a repulsive shadow in chains
with its head in a noose.
Leave me alone,
one life has shown how humanity treats
those who deviate from everyone's disease.
Have the colors all faded away,
the adventure that was every day?
Have we learned to deceive and betray?
Have the angels strayed
from sincerity?

Has the sparkle died in our eyes?
Has our imagination run dry?
Are we numb to the wonder of life?
Where's the honest smile,
the curiosity?
Look at the child,
don't you see there is so much to gain
and still more to lose.
Look in the mirror,
I see a repulsive shadow in chains
with its head in a noose.
Leave me alone,
one life has shown how humanity treats
those who deviate from everyone's disease.

I shall never learn to accept it:
Innocence is a fleeting song.
Guilty, gray, corrupt, and decrepit -
not this one.
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