
Daisy Chain Lyrics

Cognitive zeros are c**tural heroes,
posture and style cover juvenile walls.
Minions of pastime or seekers of truth,
who are the idols of our youth?
Modern tedium,
mass delirium.
Hail the media,
their criteria.
Join the daisy chain,
check your brain at the door.
You'll die entertained,
never sane, never bored.

Meaningless deeds are the most daring dreams,
petty nonsense receives undivided attention.
Tomorrow is sown in susceptible brains,
and we all throw the contaminated grains.
Modern tedium,
mass delirium.
Hail the media,
their criteria.
Join the daisy chain,
check your brain at the door.
You'll die entertained,
never less, never more.
True heroism is all around
in laboratories, studies, and class rooms.
Under the radar, unnoticed, uncrowned,
while we squander our lifetimes
they build our world.

Reset your priorities.
Redefine celebrity.
Break the daisy chain,
claim your brain at the door.
Seek a higher aim,
rewrite popular lore.
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