
Alex's House Lyrics

Alex has a new house
Maybe I could see it
Maybe I could check it out (check it out)
Now she's got a new yard
Maybe room for two cars
Alex has a sister
Shes a little smaller
Alex should be taller (for a while)
I don't think she knows that
She just got a new house

Alex has new kid
Brother in the oven
Brother should be done by Christmastime
Then it will be colder
Alex should be older
In her memories
I hope she keeps a place for me
But I believe that I'll be in there somewhere (somewhere somewhere)
I think I know she knows me now
But only cuz I've been around
I hope that I can say the same for mine
Alex has a new house
Maybe I could see it
Maybe I should check it out (check it out)
Now shes got a new yard
Maybe room for two cars

She builds her world around
Knowing she'll be safe and sound
Soon it seems I'll be another face forgotten (don't forget me)
I think I know she knows me now
But only cuz I've been around
I hope that I can say the same for mine
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The Bottom Half (2007)
The Bottom Half Bright Lights, Big City Great American Higgins Sir Higgins Memories of Home Atmosfarag Red Room Intentions Clear Home Divisions Words (a cappella) Great American\Believe The Lie Believe The Lie Time Eater Never Cease Rocker Ready Noodles Higgins (instrumental) The Heart Of Rock & Roll Fresh Start The Browning Special Ocean Billy Intensions Clear What Else Alex's House End Of The Road Red Room Disco Rocco WWS The Weight Around Liquid Atmosfarag Words (chorus) Memories Of Home Browning Family Creed Biscuits & Gravy Words (Intro) Words (Instrumental)