
Her Lyrics

Oh I don't need the metronome bro
(It's this girl)
[Verse 1]
She lives next door, to the store that I loiter at
We talk every night, she cry to me about her her guy
And if we text I get p***** when I get no reply
I know that she's the key to love
She is who I'm thinking of when I am beating Richard up
To mental images her face look
The closest that I got is when I'm poking her on Facebook
Video chats are so exciting
Cause it's like she is inviting me to her world full of privacy
I'm getting gassed up, I think she's liking me
She's gullible and I just wanna take it like a pirate
I see her in class
Not really two doors down but in anytime that I pass
To take a p*** in a stall, I picture us in the hall
Lockin' lips on the wall, her hand grabbin' my d***
My left hand on her t***, oh my s***'s getting hard
From thoughts of dating this b****
Her name is my passwords, f***
[Verse 2]
All my n***** got they b****** and stuff
But all the b****** they f***, are known as b****** and s****
But she special, I know to y'all I come off as rough
But I'm the nicest to her, and I just want to concur
A relation, I want the cheesy dates at the movies
And stupid walks on the beach, and sharing straws in a cup
I never had that, so when we holding hands walkin home
I look past that, the fact that she's f***** guys that I hate
But, things are lookin great cut copy
Last time we talk she said that her relationship was Rocky (Action)
Now that Mr. f** is gone, there's no one that can stop me
From baggin' her, I got these tickets to the Roxy
Next day metro's takin me home
I see her in a car at Wendy's, but she's not alone
Who's that guy? Wait, why the f*** he bout to kiss her?
Come to find out she got back with her n****, d***, f***
[Verse 3]
She's so pretty, f*** self pity, I feel so s*****
I wanna text her in a jealous rage
But if she reply to say anything, I'mma smile I know
What do I do with myself, sit in my room for some days
Play Xbox and piles full of wet socks, f*** that

[Verse 4]
My n**** ask, "Ace, what happened to such and such?"
I could smother her name, and then tell him I probably f*****
Or I could tell him the truth, and just say she ain't like me much
But instead I lie and say she moved to Nebraska
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