
JA! Lyrics

Ja! - Yes!

Snaran av frihet dras åt omkring din hals
Utelämnad i valfrihet utan några alternativ alls
Marknaden kräver en nyliberal vision
Social politik ersatt av ekonomisk religion
Tredje riket - nu är det här
Kapitalismen - är totalitär

Nationalstaten upphävd i globaliseringens namn
men internationalismen ströps av deras osynliga hand
för att skydda vår eurocentriska kultur
Bygger vi mot omvärlden en gemenskapens mur
Tredje riket - nu är det här
Kapitalismen - är totalitär

Socialt reducerad
Militärt utraderad
Ideologiskt kontrollerad
Nu orkar jag fan inte mer
Kapitalism och valfrihet - maktens hyckleri
I marknadens diktatur blir du aldrig fri
Jag bär alltid med mig Wallenbergs fotografi
För att fokusera mitt hat mot eran tyrraneri

Tredje riket - nu är det här
Kapitalismen - är totalitär

The European Union is everything that h***** wanted his Third Reich to be. The only thing that is different is that he wanted a n*** dictatorship, and now we have got a capitalist one. According to EU politics anything that interferes with business and ways to make profit is a crime against basic human rights, while 40 million unemployed people is considered a necessity. They say it is about internationalism, but how come it is getting harder and harder for people from outside to travel into the EU? They are building a wall against the third world, so that EU can become a super state competing with USA and Asia on the international market. Just look at the Schengen agreement and the Euro dollar project. And if you don't like it... Look at what happened in Gothenburg or Genova. Their police force will shoot you down. We still remember the people trying to convince us to vote "Yes" to a Swedish membership of the European Union - we didn't trust them back them, and we don't trust them now.
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