Gammal svensk arbetsmoral - Good old Swedish labour etichs
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In Sweden there was an agreement made between the labour movement and the capitalist class in 1938. The workers promised class peace and got promised a higher living standard and "nice" capitalists who shared their profits in social reforms. Instead of dragging a wheel barrel full of dirt, the worker could push a shopping cart after a week of hard work. But now the capitalists refuse to keep their part of the promise, but we still keep our part.
Som LO medlem går jag upp klockan fem, varje morgon...
In Sweden there was an agreement made between the labour movement and the capitalist class in 1938. The workers promised class peace and got promised a higher living standard and "nice" capitalists who shared their profits in social reforms. Instead of dragging a wheel barrel full of dirt, the worker could push a shopping cart after a week of hard work. But now the capitalists refuse to keep their part of the promise, but we still keep our part.