Fildelningsprocessen - The file sharing process
Hetfield och grabbarna är allvarligt
sönderknullade av kapitalet,
Idioterna har sålt skivor i miljoner
Men trots det inte nöjda med antalet
Att stoppa fildelningsprocessen är som att
försöka syra regn, som Chuck D en gång sa.
Skivbolagen gjorde allt för att stoppa Phillips 1963,
men kasettbandet från kidsen kunde de inte ta!
Alla vi datanördar som försöker
att sprida vår musik
Hindras av multinationella konspiratörer
Som pladdrar om upphovsrättsetik
In Sweden a majority of the kids listen to mainstream top-ten highscore music, and idiots like Fred Durst and Britney Spears have become big idols for the easy cheated youth. Small labels and DIY punx haven't got a chance fighting multinational record labels such as Sony and EMI. A few years ago we were blessed by a file sharing program called Napster, with which punx worldwide could share their music. It didn't make any difference if you were rich or poor, had a record contract or not - file sharing was for everybody. Then the music industry got crazy. Poor millionaires such as James Hetfield, Madonna and Eminem screamed for vengeance, and did everything they could to stop the music lovers from listening to their music. At first they seemed to succeed, and Napster was shut down. But after this first setback, peer to peer file sharing increased rapidly and now they can't stop us! Like Chuck D said: "To stop file sharing is like trying to control rain"
Hetfield och grabbarna är allvarligt
sönderknullade av kapitalet,
Idioterna har sålt skivor i miljoner
Men trots det inte nöjda med antalet
Att stoppa fildelningsprocessen är som att
försöka syra regn, som Chuck D en gång sa.
Skivbolagen gjorde allt för att stoppa Phillips 1963,
men kasettbandet från kidsen kunde de inte ta!
Alla vi datanördar som försöker
att sprida vår musik
Hindras av multinationella konspiratörer
Som pladdrar om upphovsrättsetik
In Sweden a majority of the kids listen to mainstream top-ten highscore music, and idiots like Fred Durst and Britney Spears have become big idols for the easy cheated youth. Small labels and DIY punx haven't got a chance fighting multinational record labels such as Sony and EMI. A few years ago we were blessed by a file sharing program called Napster, with which punx worldwide could share their music. It didn't make any difference if you were rich or poor, had a record contract or not - file sharing was for everybody. Then the music industry got crazy. Poor millionaires such as James Hetfield, Madonna and Eminem screamed for vengeance, and did everything they could to stop the music lovers from listening to their music. At first they seemed to succeed, and Napster was shut down. But after this first setback, peer to peer file sharing increased rapidly and now they can't stop us! Like Chuck D said: "To stop file sharing is like trying to control rain"