Murar byggs, det stiftas nya lagar
Kalla kårar som påminner oss om svunna dagar
Den nya tiden, det nya korståget korsfäster oss
Total kontroll, i kriget mot terrorismen
Under ytan gror den nya fascismen
In the attempts to secure our world from terrorism we're walking on a path of no return. We can smell the stench from a dark past slip through the arguments of our leaders. People accused of "terrorism" are being held in prison without trial, acts to control the movements of people and information are imposed in the name of security. As Giorgio Agamben says: "A state which has security as its sole task and source of legitimacy is a fragile organism; it can always be provoked by terrorism to become itself terroristic." The Big Brother society that many people have feared is now upon us.
Kalla kårar som påminner oss om svunna dagar
Den nya tiden, det nya korståget korsfäster oss
Total kontroll, i kriget mot terrorismen
Under ytan gror den nya fascismen
In the attempts to secure our world from terrorism we're walking on a path of no return. We can smell the stench from a dark past slip through the arguments of our leaders. People accused of "terrorism" are being held in prison without trial, acts to control the movements of people and information are imposed in the name of security. As Giorgio Agamben says: "A state which has security as its sole task and source of legitimacy is a fragile organism; it can always be provoked by terrorism to become itself terroristic." The Big Brother society that many people have feared is now upon us.