
ABC's Lyrics

Inna de 'A'-Is for alcohol
Boom up the 'B'-Is for the booze ya know
I man can 'C'-Is for cocaine
Do en fe 'D'-And dope a running in your veins
Ease up da 'E'-That is for E-b****
Flip up the 'F'-Your future's written on the wall
Gang bang the 'G'-That is for greed
Do in de 'H'-There is no hope, a dangerous deed
And 'I'... An intervenous injection
Jazz up the 'J'-C'mon man, just try one
No more KKK-On the corner you'll find crack
Lionel fe 'L'-Stop fessin' about the drugs you lack
Mash up the 'M'-'M' is for you mind...
Nuh nuh nuh 'N' !-You need narcotics just to unwind
Oh, oh, pon a 'O'-You could get an overdose
Give I a 'P'-The price you pay for cuttin' it close

What's up with 'S'-It's a constant search for drugs
Tease up da 'T'-And then you got beat up by thugs
You and 'U'-Is united we stand
Valdate de V-I got some valium in my hand
Dup up 'W'-Is for woe is me
What's up wid 'X'-I also tried some ecstacy
Mister Lionel fe and a 'Y'-The choice you make is yes or no
Zozo fe 'Z'-So don't be a zero
ABC, abc...
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Skaboom! (1987)
Talk Is Cheap Pool Shark Weekend In L.A. Shocker! Toast on the Coast Manipulator Mr. Trouble ABC's East Side Beat Now or Never So Long, Buck