So, leave this words unsaid.
So, leave your worthless words unsaid.
So, leave this your worthless words unsaid.
So, leave this your worthless words unsaid.
Wait for a sentence with no purpose, just worthless words.
a sentence with no purpose, just worthless words.
a sentence, a sentence, with no purpose, just worthless words.
I cant stand listening to you.
I cant stand listening to you.
I cant stand listening to you.
I cant stand listening to you.
Don't say a thing, leave your comments unsaid.
Don't say a thing, leave your comments unsaid.
I'm deaf to your worthless words.
I'm deaf... to your worthless words.
Don't say a thing.
End this with,
End this with,
End this with,
End this with,
A period.
So, leave your worthless words unsaid.
So, leave this your worthless words unsaid.
So, leave this your worthless words unsaid.
Wait for a sentence with no purpose, just worthless words.
a sentence with no purpose, just worthless words.
a sentence, a sentence, with no purpose, just worthless words.
I cant stand listening to you.
I cant stand listening to you.
I cant stand listening to you.
I cant stand listening to you.
Don't say a thing, leave your comments unsaid.
Don't say a thing, leave your comments unsaid.
I'm deaf to your worthless words.
I'm deaf... to your worthless words.
Don't say a thing.
End this with,
End this with,
End this with,
End this with,
A period.