
The Aging Musician Lyrics

Run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run
Run, run, fast as you can
Run, run, fast as you can
Run, run, fast as you can
You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man
Once upon a time I played electric guitar
And they said I was a rock and roll star
Now nobody calls me on the telephone
So I sit and watch my TV all alone
Maybe if I put a bullet in my brain
They'd remember me like Kurt Cobain
And the parasites on MTV
Would wipe their eyes and act like they knew me
But I wouldn't be a hero I'd be dead
Just a note beside a corpse that read
If you like to pretend that you'll never get old
You got what it takes to rock and roll
Jagger - he was a poet
None of this three chords and a hairdresser c***
I just need a couple of players
With a couple of really good players
I could have a band again go back on the road
C'mere boy
Play real music, none of this computer c***
Real music
We could go big
Whatever happened to music
Now it's all about marketing and media coverage
g****** MTV
Everything was okay before MTV
And gun control - like gun control's gonna stop anything
A Trooper Mark III'll stop just about anything
C'mere boy
Schnauzer, where's Uzi?
Is he outside?
Nothing's right anymore not even TV
Davy Crockett said it all
If you're sure you're right then go ahead on
Now nothing's right
g****** MTV
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