
Mark of the Male Lyrics

Mark my feral finger when
Flesh arrives and it ascends
Under garments free and wild
Living life unreconciled
There's no better feeling than a hard on. I guess the closest thing is the feeling of holding a gun, but instead of being cold and rigid, it's a gun made out of hot meat ...your own flesh and blood. It's warm and it tingles and somehow it's hard AND soft at the same time ...and it's yours ...it's your power ...it's your gun.
And what do you do with a gun? ...you shoot it. You look for a nice target, you take aim and you squeeze the trigger ...and that f****** gun goes BLAM! There's nothing like it. I guess the only thing that would make it better would be if you could put another bullet in it and just shoot that f***** again ...and again ...again.
Oh well, nothing is perfect.
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