
Unwanted Lyrics

I've been sick. I've been heart-broke. I've been lost. I've been dead.
I've been so many things that I never want to say.

Intentions falling to the ground from your petulance.
I can't think straight anymore.
Your rejection leaves me paralyzed.
How long can I keep doing this for?
A new frame of mind is all I want back.

I wanna fall in love and I wanna fall in love with you.
You're everything I've wanted.

That's it. I'm sick of it all. I can't keep my mouth shut anymore.
I'm not your p***. I'll break your vice. I won't idolize the unwanting.
Lead me on. You're all take without any give. Get out of my head.
Lead me on. Get out.
Lead me on. Get out of my head.

And you say,
"I wanna fall in love and I wanna fall in love with you.
You're everything I've wanted."
But I'll never fall in love even if I have to die alone.
I'll never fall in love and I'll never fall in love with you.
Now you're the one unwanted.

Can we start from the beginning?
Can we start from the start?
But I can't forget the double-meaning.
How you shattered my heart.
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Handmade (2015)
Handmade Amends Feel Trophy Prisoner Melody Unwanted Soul Survivor Falling