
My Psychotic Sand Deity Lyrics

"Murder Regicide, Murder Matricide

Murder Homicide, Murder, Genocide
My Psychotic God, My Psychotic God

My Psychotic God, My Psychotic Deity

Murder enslave, Murder destroy

Murder slaughter, Murder rape

Kill all the s*** stabbing f*****, hang the sodomites and a*** f******

My Psychotic God, My Psychotic God
My Psychotic God, My Psychotic God

Birds fly above my head, of faceless names it is said

Gravesset like teeth in line, rise from the dark below

Their memories rest here, There is no laughter in dread,
In somber reflection, of what rests underground.

Dominus dues spiritus

Maleficium daemonium

Extermitor sacramentum

Demogorgon ad inferos

Nercrominicon diabolis"
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The Murder of Jesus the Jew (2010)
Boiled in Hell Broth and Grave Dust (intro) My Psychotic Sand Deity Apocalypse of Lazarus Addicted to God Stiller of Tempests Man From Kerioth Dark Gethsemane Jew Killer Genesis of Death From Eagle to Cross Apostle of the Uncircumcised A Canticle for the Lost Amputees of Aelia Capitolina Who Have Been Trampled Under the Iron Shod Hooves of Salivating Hell Rams and Impaled on the Shimmering Tusks of Salvation Within the Abandoned Tabernacle of a Bronze Age Myth