
Sweaty Betty Lyrics

Well she wore big knickers and she worked on sewage farm,
I got my hands down her jeans and I nearly lost half my arm,
But after ten pints, she looked quite fit,
Couldn't wait to get my hands on her flabby t***.
Sweaty Betty,
Sweaty Betty.

So I said slap that and ride the ripples,
I just got to get my gob round her greasy nipples,
She had a massive a***, sweaty b******,
Thirty eight chins, she was a mound of flesh.

Sweaty Betty, she eats a lot of pies,
Sweaty Betty, she's got enormous thighs,
Sweaty Betty, have you smelled her breath?
Sweaty Betty, she'd crush a man to death.

I knew that she wanted me to s*** her,
So I stabbed her c*** with my mutton dagger,
I couldn't believe the size of her b**,
She used to play for Wigan at the back of the scrum.
Sweaty Betty,
Sweaty Betty,
Sweaty Betty,
Sweaty Betty.

I've seen nowt like it since the day I was born,
But you know me, I'll s*** owt that's warm.
Sweaty Betty, she eats a lot of chips,
Sweaty Betty, she's got massive t***,
Sweaty Betty, she's got a huge v*****,
Sweaty Betty, you'd fit a bus inside her,
Sweaty Betty.

Sweaty Betty, she's so obscene,
Sweaty Betty, three tons of margarine,
Sweaty Betty, she's like a lump of lard,
Sweaty Betty, she makes my w**** hard,
Sweaty Betty.

©1983 The Macc Lads

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