
Now He's a Poof Lyrics

Get stuffed you a*** bandit!

One of my best mates came from Macc,
We used to go out pulling crack,
Now I know that was just a farce,
He's got s**** dribbling out of his a***.
He's got scabs from snogging other men,
We're never going to talk to him again,
He's gone all nesh, he's making us sick,
We wouldn't give him cheese of us d***s.

Now he's a poof, we can't handle it,
Now he's a poof, he does s****y s****,
Now he's a poof, he leaves white stains wherever he sits.

He's gone to pot, shaved his head,
He's got some black bloke sleeping in his bed,
AIDs and herpes? He's got them,
The evidence is written all over his bottom.
He's never in the pub, he's no fun,
Sores and scabs all over his b**,
We'll have to pin him down on the deck,
And pour some Boddies down his f****** neck.

Now he's a poof, he' drinks lemonade,
Now he's a poof, and he's full of AIDS,
Now he's a poof, and he likes his b***ocks splayed.

Now he's a poof, he's a f****** slob,
Now he's a poof, he's got a s***** k***,
Now he's a poof, he's got s**** all over his gob.
Now he's a poof, he's a f****** queer,
Now he's a poof, he's got gonhorrea,
Now he's a poof, he can't hold his f****** beer.

Now he's a poof, he's an a*** bandit,
Now he's a poof, he does s****y s****,
Now he's a poof, he doesn't like to feel girl's t***.

© 1982 The Macc Lads

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