
Take My Hand Lyrics

So take my hand, you're all my brothers
So take my hand, you're all my sisters
So take my hand, we need each other
Don't try to walk the road alone.
Through the dark, we'll walk together
And through the rain, we're here forever
And through the storm we'll sing our song
Why try to walk the road alone
Oh, take your hand, I need my brothers
Oh, take your hand, I need my sisters
Oh, take your hand, we need each other
Don't try to walk the road alone.

Through the dark...

Oh, take your hand...

So, take my hand...
Don't try to walk the road alone.
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Keep On Singing... (1989)
Sean O'Kelly Motherhood Take My Hand Baby Une Familie c'est une Chanson Lonely Madre Tan Hermosa Sick Man Txiki Pee-Pee Okey Papa Lies Try and Forgive Hiroshima, I'm Sorry Greensleeves