
Tae the Beggin' Lyrics

Of a' the trades that Ido ken, the beggin is the best For when a beggar's weary he can aye sit doon and rest

Tae the beggin' I will go will go,
tae the beggin' I will go.
It's I'll gyang tae the cobbler, An' gar him sort my shoon;
An inch thick tae the boddam, An' clooted weel abune.

An' I will tae the tailor, Wi' a wab o' hodden gray,
An' gar him mak' a cloak for me, Will hap me nicht and day.

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Loose Cannons (2007)
El Matador Get Up Jack, John Sit Down Tae the Beggin' Stop Peckin' My Chrome Honor Bright Captain Kidd Bonnie Pirate Laddie Uncloudy Day The Smuggler Silvestik A Port in Every Girl Biddie McGraw Donegal Danny Journey's End Roseville Faire Run Come See Johnny Booger Shoals of Herring The Old Man Drink Up the Cider, George Dread The Final Squall Goodbye