
Drink Up the Cider, George Lyrics

Drink up the cider George, pass me round the jug
Drink up the cider George, thy garden's well nigh dug
There's dung all o'er thy taters and half up thy gaters
And there's still more cider in the jug
Drink up the cider, drink up the cider
For tonight we'll merry be
We'll knock the milk maids over and roll them in the clover
The corn's half cut and so are we

Drink up the cider George, please by goin' far
Drink up the cider George, he's gettin' quite a star
His cheeks are gettin' redder, from charter house to cheddar
And there's still more cider in the jar

Drink up the cider George; get up off the mat
Drink up the cider George, put on thy great big hat
We're goin' to Ballyverny (sic) to see me cousin Ernie
And there's still more cider in the bath

Drink up the cider George, get up off me chest
Drink up the cider George it's time you had a rest
There's nothing like more cider to make your smile grow wider
And there's still more cider in the West

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Loose Cannons (2007)
El Matador Get Up Jack, John Sit Down Tae the Beggin' Stop Peckin' My Chrome Honor Bright Captain Kidd Bonnie Pirate Laddie Uncloudy Day The Smuggler Silvestik A Port in Every Girl Biddie McGraw Donegal Danny Journey's End Roseville Faire Run Come See Johnny Booger Shoals of Herring The Old Man Drink Up the Cider, George Dread The Final Squall Goodbye