
These Days Lyrics

When you're going through hell you've

gotta keep going-If I stop and think about the state we're in-I just hang my
it don't make sense, the seeds we're sowing-Do we have nothing left to
believe in or
rebel against?
If there's ever a time we need to come together-The time is now when
everything's falling apart-It's no rehearsal, soon we'll be gone
forever-These days are all we have
Can we be bought or sold? Now there's
the question-If ignorance is bliss then
we all must be on cloud nine

It's time to find the piece that's missing,
cos I need something to believe in before
I lose my mind

These days are all we have-I'm gonna
take you with me...
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See The Light (2009)
Big Black Hole These Days Come On Never See You Again Car Crash Think Again Love is an Action The Girl Who Had The World At Her Feet Wall of Sound See The Light