I've been killing time
But its killing me better
Made a drink
And it made me a widower
But hey you knew I wasn't a bartender
Im an entrepreneur
Am I coming on too strong?
Yo, have I been coming on too strong?
You and your mascara can just run on home
You and your mascara can just run on home
To pull the blood from your ?
So the leeches can grow
If you don't know
Act like you know
The ?
This ?
I got the pills and you take one
I got the pills and you take one
Back track the track marks
Move to the bedroom
And spare me the dull thoughts
Spilling everyones guts but her own
Waking up in strange beds
Waking up
Waking up in strange beds in akward homes
Everyones guts but her own
Everyones guts but her own
Passion of ?
Keep your f***** heads above the covers
Passion ?
Made for passion ?
Passion of ?
Passion ?
So don't act like you didn't know
Our passion it died
A long time ago
But its killing me better
Made a drink
And it made me a widower
But hey you knew I wasn't a bartender
Im an entrepreneur
Am I coming on too strong?
Yo, have I been coming on too strong?
You and your mascara can just run on home
You and your mascara can just run on home
To pull the blood from your ?
So the leeches can grow
If you don't know
Act like you know
The ?
This ?
I got the pills and you take one
I got the pills and you take one
Back track the track marks
Move to the bedroom
And spare me the dull thoughts
Spilling everyones guts but her own
Waking up in strange beds
Waking up
Waking up in strange beds in akward homes
Everyones guts but her own
Everyones guts but her own
Passion of ?
Keep your f***** heads above the covers
Passion ?
Made for passion ?
Passion of ?
Passion ?
So don't act like you didn't know
Our passion it died
A long time ago