
Mrs. Morgan Lyrics

Mrs. Morgan's neighbours have finally had enough
'cause she's been telling fortunes
and now she's called their bluff
'cause no one likes their secrets
walking 'round the town
and everyone's defeated
as the light just shivers down
she never wanted to see the rain

it's an easy greasy Sunday
the dew's still on the lawn
a plane is writing letters
'people you've been warned'
and the neighbourhood is praying
now their secret's been revealed
and Mrs. M keeps saying
there's one thing you can't steal
she never wanted to see the rain

but sometimes it crumbles
like sand through your hands
and sometimes it cracks and cracks
she never wanted to see the rain
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Bright Yellow Bright Orange (2003)
Instant Replay Woman Across the Way The Locust Girls Girl Lying on a Beach Caroline and I Poison in the Walls Mrs Morgan In Her Diary Too Much of One Thing Crooked Lines Old Mexico Make Her Day Something for Myself Unfinished Business