
Come by the Hills Lyrics

Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free
And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the lochs meet the sea
Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun
Ah, the cares of to-morrow can wait 'til this day is done
Oh, come by the hills to the land where life is a song
And sing while the birds fill the air with their joy all day long
Where the trees sway in time and even the wind sings in tune
Ah, the cares of to-morrow can wait 'til this day is done
Come by the hills to the land where legend re-mains
Where stories of old fill the heart and may yet come a-gain
Where our past has been lost and the future has still to be won
Ah, the cares of to-morrow can wait 'til this day is done
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The Spanish Cloak (2000)
The Spanish Cloak Come by the Hills The Mountain of the Women (Sliabhna Mban) Dainty Dave Jig: Tatterered Jack Welch The Flowers in the Valley Ree: Pigeon on the Gate Leezy Lindsay Jig: Graham's Flat The Curragh of Kildare Set Dance: Piper in the Meadow Straying Ned of the Hill This Town Is Not Your Town Jig: Rocking the Baby Bill Hart's Favourite Dance Around the Spinning Wheel Let Me Go to the Mountains McShane Colonel Fraser The Lonesome Boatman Carron Lough Bay The Prickly Bush Bogy's Bonny Belle The Fox Chase