Well, it's that time of year again - time to produce another Christmas song. Let's see who's coming in today. Well, whoever it is, they're already five minutes late. Perfect!
*door opens*
Hey, who are YOU guys?
(Hello. We're der Amish Voodchucks.)
Woodchucks? I'm working with WOODCHUCKS!?
Uh, all right. Let's see who we've got here. Graeber? (Right here, Tom.)
Carl? (Over here, Tom.)
Barry? Barry. BARRY! (That's me.)
*sighs* Are you idiots ready to sing this song?
(Chorus: Ookay!)
Christmas time in Amish land
House is dark, der food is bland
Ve vant toys made by Mattel
Parson says ve'd burn in Hell
All ve ever get is tools
Me, I vant a svimming pool
English boys get cars und trucks
This Amish Christmas sucks
That was very good, Graeber. (Naturally.)
Great bass, Carl. (Thanks.)
Uh, Barry, I'm having a little trouble hearing the 'k' in 'trucks'. Watch it next time. Barry? Barry. BARRY! (Yah, right. Who died und made YOU Parson?)
(Here ve go!)
Der Parson says dat Santy Claus
Breaks a lot of Amish laws
He made us give our candy back
Den he dyed our turkey black
Ve vant a brand-new milking stool
I still vant a svimming pool
English boys get G.I. Joes
Oh, Amish Christmas blows
(Vun more time!)
English boys get G.I. Joes
Oh, Amish Christmas blows
That was very good, fellas. All right, that's a take.
(Vat do you mean, that's a take? Ve vant to sing it again.)
(Yah, ve vant to sing it again.)
Ah, no, fellas. That's enough. I've got other people coming in.
(Vat do you mean, other people?)
(Vat other people?)
(Yah, we want to sing it again!)
Look, I've got a life.
(So vat, we can't sing it again?)
(Ve vant to sing it again.)
(Ya, let's sing it again!)
No, no. There is no time.
(Aw, come on.)
(Come on, Tom, please?)
Look. That's it. You guys get out of here. Out! Ooouut! (No. Ve're not leaving until ve get to sing it again.) (Yeah, ve're going to sing it again!)
(Here ve go:)
No, I'm finished. You don't understand: FINI.
(No, I'm Barry.)
(Und I am Carl.)
(Und I'm Graeber.)
(Und ve're da Amish Voodchucks.)
Well, I'm outta here. Bye.
(Vere you going?)
I'm outta here.
(Don't go.)
See you.
(Ve vant to sing it again.)
(Gee. Ve should have had Bob produce this song.)
(Ya. Bob's funny.)
*door opens*
Hey, who are YOU guys?
(Hello. We're der Amish Voodchucks.)
Woodchucks? I'm working with WOODCHUCKS!?
Uh, all right. Let's see who we've got here. Graeber? (Right here, Tom.)
Carl? (Over here, Tom.)
Barry? Barry. BARRY! (That's me.)
*sighs* Are you idiots ready to sing this song?
(Chorus: Ookay!)
Christmas time in Amish land
House is dark, der food is bland
Ve vant toys made by Mattel
Parson says ve'd burn in Hell
All ve ever get is tools
Me, I vant a svimming pool
English boys get cars und trucks
This Amish Christmas sucks
That was very good, Graeber. (Naturally.)
Great bass, Carl. (Thanks.)
Uh, Barry, I'm having a little trouble hearing the 'k' in 'trucks'. Watch it next time. Barry? Barry. BARRY! (Yah, right. Who died und made YOU Parson?)
(Here ve go!)
Der Parson says dat Santy Claus
Breaks a lot of Amish laws
He made us give our candy back
Den he dyed our turkey black
Ve vant a brand-new milking stool
I still vant a svimming pool
English boys get G.I. Joes
Oh, Amish Christmas blows
(Vun more time!)
English boys get G.I. Joes
Oh, Amish Christmas blows
That was very good, fellas. All right, that's a take.
(Vat do you mean, that's a take? Ve vant to sing it again.)
(Yah, ve vant to sing it again.)
Ah, no, fellas. That's enough. I've got other people coming in.
(Vat do you mean, other people?)
(Vat other people?)
(Yah, we want to sing it again!)
Look, I've got a life.
(So vat, we can't sing it again?)
(Ve vant to sing it again.)
(Ya, let's sing it again!)
No, no. There is no time.
(Aw, come on.)
(Come on, Tom, please?)
Look. That's it. You guys get out of here. Out! Ooouut! (No. Ve're not leaving until ve get to sing it again.) (Yeah, ve're going to sing it again!)
(Here ve go:)
No, I'm finished. You don't understand: FINI.
(No, I'm Barry.)
(Und I am Carl.)
(Und I'm Graeber.)
(Und ve're da Amish Voodchucks.)
Well, I'm outta here. Bye.
(Vere you going?)
I'm outta here.
(Don't go.)
See you.
(Ve vant to sing it again.)
(Gee. Ve should have had Bob produce this song.)
(Ya. Bob's funny.)