
Big Robot Dinosaur Lyrics

Dad's working on something special down in the basement
I yelled goodbye as I headed out to wait for the bus
At school it's the usual torture
Pushed and tripped in the hall
Hit in the head with a half eaten orange
Facewashed in the snow
Got home so fed up and angry
My dad came to me
Took me down to the basement and said "It's finally ready, son"
My senses reeled my heart stood still
Before me glowed a glory
The Fruit of my father's laborious weekends
Towering three or four stories.
Behind the shiny candy red skin, the monument hummed its electric tune My dad said "Why don't you climb on in?" and unscrewed the hatch in the back We squirmed through its artificial innards He showed me the controls I watched him struggling to conceal his pride and I said "Papa, let's kill some people"
We're on a rampage in a robot dinosaur
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Great Old Ones (1996)
Tarred & Feathered My Tank Battered One-Gilled Girl Jimmy the Squid Chunk Diggin' Up the World Colour Me Green s***e Ghosts A Thousand Fists Big Robot Dinosaur Rocket Science Flee! Mustard Gas Everyone Calls Me Ted Diggin' Up the World (acoustic) Yog-Sothoth Hookworm (live) Burrow Your Way to My Heart (live) Please God No Walking on the Moon Six-Gun Gorgon Dynamo