
TV Song Lyrics

I've seen the stupid stare on thousands of our faces
watched my thoughts carelessly fall away
while I fumbled for the right words to say
my brain is such a mish-mash of mtv videos and vast and vacant s***es.
And I look around and see 1000 drooling idiots just the f*****' same as me.
We've been weened on Mr. Rogers
we all worship the tv that sucks our f*****' imaginations from our heads
and no one wants to see the generation of zombies in their f*****' sick parade
marching forward to the beat of "house of style" and "singled out"
but i flip to it the same as you bored s***less on my couch
And why am i bored?
it's because when i was growing up i saw everything played out
and i could flip the channel tirelessly
and since I was so capable
my attention span shrunk to fit to the point
where I reject things that aren't syntheic blobs of s***
I want an easy answer I need a f*****' catch all phrase
I don't have the time or the patience to read a book
and figure s*** out for myself
when it's spelled out for me as pain as f*****' day
and with pretty flashing lights and sounds to keep me entertained.
I'm like a dog trained by a box "like" and "totally" fill my day
and "i think i'm going crazy man," has become f****** cliche
and i think I'm going crazy or was i just raised that way
and I think hard about nothing as I stare off into s***e
cuz we need to turn our heads on cuz our brains are getting soft,
so exercise your brain and turn the tv f*****' off, whoa.
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