The Brew Lyrics

  1. Repeat
  2. Eject
  3. Mute
  4. Pause
  5. Shuffle
  6. Fast Forward
  7. Skip
  8. Stop
  9. Play
  10. Rewind
A Million Dead Stars
  1. Every Gig Has a Neighbour
  2. Surrender It All
  3. Just Another Night
  4. Mav the Rave
  5. Wrong Tunes
  6. Change in the Air
  7. KAM
  8. Monkey Train
  9. A Smile to Lift the Doubt
  10. A Million Dead Stars
  11. The Joker (reprise)
Back to the Woods
  1. Seen It All
  2. Looking Down
  3. Definitions
  4. First of Things
  5. Control
  6. Back to the Woods
  7. Have to Choose
  8. Black Train
  9. Let It Slide
  10. Castle Walls
  11. Back to the Reprise
  12. Chance Reaching