
Love Hurts Lyrics

Love hurts,
love scars,
love wounds
and mars.
Any heart
not tough
or strong enough
to take a lot of pain,
take a lot of pain.
Love is like a cloud,
holds a lot of rain.

Love hurts
Oooh oooh love hurts

I'm young,
I know
but even so,
I know a thing or two,
I've learned from you.
I've really learned a lot
really learned a lot.
Love is like a stove,
burns you when it's hot.
Love hurts
Oooh oooh love hurts

Some fools think of happiness,
Some fools fool themselves I guess,
but they're not fooling me.
I know it isn't true,
know it isn't true.
Love is just a lie
made to make you blue.
Love hurts
Oooh oooh love hurts

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