
From Black to Black Lyrics

I was a hurted one when I lost myself.
There was no sun.
There were no clouds.
Just bitter cold nights.
I thought I was a victim.
I asked myself:
What am I here for?
What can I do to remember my name?
This ship is leaving the harbor and won't come back again.
The wind destroys the anchor.
I don't need it anymore.
Now I know the answers.
Now I know the truth.
The truth about myself.
The truth I learned to love.
Reborn with a smile.
Now I can laugh and say:
'This kid found his way!'
I am moving on!
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Remedies (2009)
Tempest / Rescue Remedy Broken Teeth / Agrimony Dead but So Alive / Wild Oat Identity Dispute / Rockwater Kidnap Yourself / Aspen The Ravine / Willow On the Top of the Beat / Olive Walking Without Feet / Cearto Seven Tones of Grey / Pine Treasure Chest, Confidential / Gorse Vampire Searching for Some Light / Larch Daisied Tree / Hornbeam Room to Set Sail / Mustard A Walkover to Endure Being / Chestnut Bud Snob Revolution Vampire Searching for Some Light From Black to Black Smile Like a Wolf Back in Decontrol The Death of Yesterday Young Ambitions / Gentian The Door of Fabrication / Sclerantus