
Have a Little Faith in Me Lyrics

I fell upon a dream last night.
We were together.
Hey baby
have a little faith in me.
I swore that we'd get out alive.
You wouldn't surrender.
Hey baby
have a little faith in me.

They say time
knows where we're going.
I wish time
would stop right here.
You're afraid to lose your love.
I won't let anything harm you.
Hey baby
Have a little faith in me

They say time
knows where we're going.
I wish time
could stop right here.
You're afraid to lose your love.
I won't let anything harm you.
Hey baby
Have a little faith in me.
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Grand Fury (2000)
Intro Too Many Houses in Here Fire on the Moon Snake City Interlude 1 Screwdriver Heat Cage Evil Morning Zero P.M. Interlude 2 Stupid Fuckin' People Have a Little Faith in Me Monkey House Interlude 3 Warhead Under the Mountain They Glued Your Head on Upside-Down Outro