
My Place Lyrics

Someone must've spewed me up
I'll lie in the street 'til the sun comes up
When I've come to my senses again
I'll survey the waste
Here it is, all around in my place
My place; here it is; my place
From writers to scientists
It's all the same, the facts to twist
I've been hit by passing fists
Well, this is where I'll stay
Here it is, all around in my place
My place; here it is; my place
Throw the shroud on modern times
Touch my lips with spiced wine
On the ropes, I live on hope of better days
Here it is, all around in my place
My place; here it is; my place
Here it is; my place; here it is; my place

You'll never let me forget that I
I'm stayin here in my place
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Cast of Thousands (1979)
Cast of Thousands The Adverts My Place Male Assault Television's Over Fate of Criminals Love Songs I Surrender I Looked at the Sun I Will Walk You Home