
Heavenly Lover Lyrics

Heavenly lover, heavenly lover
Somebody sent you from heaven
And meant you for no one but me
Heavenly lover, heavenly lover
All of your kisses are telling me
This is the way it should be
When I caress you oh, oh, oh, oh
How you excite me oh, oh, oh, oh
Holding you tightly, holding you tight
Sets me on fire
Just to impress you oh, oh, oh, oh
With my devotion oh, oh, oh, oh
I'll swim an ocean, ocean of love if you desire
Here we are under a star getting the feel of love
Heart to heart never apart
Head over heels in love

Now that I've found you oh, oh, oh, oh
I'll never lose you oh, oh, oh, oh
Heavenly lover, heavenly lover
Somebody sent you from heaven
And meant you for no one but me
Heavenly lover, heavenly lover
All of your kisses are telling me
This is the way it should be
When I can be
Al chiar di luna porto fortuna
E questa sera io voglioportare fortuna anche-a te
Alchiar di luna porto fortuna
E questa sera io voglio portare fortana anche-a te
In riva al mare oh, oh, oh, oh
Fattitrovare, oh, oh, oh, oh
Senza parlara, senza parlar ti bacero
La fra le stelle, oh, oh, oh, oh
I'orsa maggiore oh, oh, oh, oh
Dice che-e bello oh, oh, oh, oh fare all'amor
Con un si ti sembre ra tutto piu facile
E il mio amor 'insegnera che-e bello vivare
In riva al mare oh, oh, oh, oh
Fatri trovare, oh, oh, oh, oh
Al chiar di luna porto fortuna
E questa sera io voglio portare fortuna anche-a te
In riva al te
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Heavenly Lover (1961)
Heavenly Lover The Rain Falls On Ev'rybody The One Rose Saturday Dance Satellite 63 Sailors In Grand Central Station Bye Bye Baby Goodbye Fair Weather Sweetheart The Hula Hoop Song Chain Of Friendship Pickle Up A Doodle I Think The World Of You