I levItate
I gravItate
I conjugate
SolStIce of mIne
I know the date
You know mY fate
SolStIce of mIne
godagar, godagar, godagar
from far awaY have we come
BoSom of lIfe, In awe for thee
kIndle the BeaconS and readY the drumS
valSfjord our fjord, our motherfjord
godagar greetS uS all
godagar on hIS Steed
dragSeId at mIStY dawn
If I touch You, You wIll never know
I am gone
If I touch You, You wIll never know
am I lIfe? am I death?
feaStIng on an oYSter pond
loYal warrIorS all aBound
flYIng hIgh on agarIc
cleanS Your Soul, oBeY hIS wrIt
godagar , godagar
I gravItate
I conjugate
SolStIce of mIne
I know the date
You know mY fate
SolStIce of mIne
godagar, godagar, godagar
from far awaY have we come
BoSom of lIfe, In awe for thee
kIndle the BeaconS and readY the drumS
valSfjord our fjord, our motherfjord
godagar greetS uS all
godagar on hIS Steed
dragSeId at mIStY dawn
If I touch You, You wIll never know
I am gone
If I touch You, You wIll never know
am I lIfe? am I death?
feaStIng on an oYSter pond
loYal warrIorS all aBound
flYIng hIgh on agarIc
cleanS Your Soul, oBeY hIS wrIt
godagar , godagar