
Through My Eyes Lyrics

This song was the last song we recorded in the studio. For the drum effect in the beginning we used a rather randomly produced loop - but created with a real drum-lick from Matthias. It fits really well to the bass part. It's a powerful song with a more complicated part in the middle and an escalation to a wonderful heroic part where I added a higher voice to contrast the powerful instrumental work. "Through my eyes" is about creation of personal independence.

With my thoughts astray I still hear you say that our fight is over
In credulity you played tricks on me - and it led us nowhere
What on earth you think made you sure again -
and in fact so clean and sober
You suggested me - I cannot believe - it's not nearly over

All letdowns wear off in time and fade eventually
Was it ignorance, which hollowed out my strength -
meaningless and empty ?
Trust without a doubt that's what pulled me down
and now it offends me

Treacherously, it seems to me so slippery in my eyes
Finally I can see so differently through my eyes
What enticed my mind - made me numb and blind -
left me weak and broken ?
I will not fulfill what you expect from me -
this game is not nearly over

Used me, choked me, but never broke me
Shook me, disgraced me - never break me ... now
... you leave me now ... alone I realize it's different through my eyes
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