
Swinherd Lyrics

You don�t care about yourself
About your friends or your family
You don�t contribute to my world
You are the scum of society
�I see your face in the mirror�
�Each time I look it gets much clearer�

�Shootin up dope�
�Stealin from your friends�
�When�s the f***** bullshit ever gonna end�
You disrespect the ones who love you
And all the ones who looked out for you
So now it�s time to close the door
Things won�t be the same as they used to

�I see your face in the mirror�
�Each time I look it gets much clearer�

�Smokin that crack�
�It�ll never end�
�Every single chance you get you f*** it up again
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Necropolis "City of the Damned" (2003)