
Down the Line Lyrics

I don't have any money
All out of nickels and dimes
Ridin' around in the subway
Just like a sign of these times
But it's fine down the line
At the end of the tunnel
Shines a light I call Sally
And Sally tells me she's mine
Any time
Subway to Sally
Ridin' from station to station
Sally's my destination

Keep your slow boat to China
Your jet plane faster than sound
Keep your luxury liner
I get around underground
Subway to Sally
Ridin' from station to station
Sally's my destination
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Album 1994 (1994)
Ascending the Haughs O'Cromdale (Intro) Rainman Queen of Argyll John Barleycorn (The Reincarnation) / Wellington Advanced Elvis Lives Planxt-chen An der Zeit Traum vom Tod Die Braut (Das Fleisch muss kalt sein) The Keach in the Creel Bonnie Johnnie Lowrie Down the Line But We Don't Know Where Is Lucky? (A Foreign Face in a Foreign Land)