
Jelly Fish Jam Lyrics

Jellyfish jam

How can you possibly have fun with a jelly fish?

(Jellyfish music starts)

Spongebob is the only guy I know that can have fun with a jelly fish for 12 hours!


oh wow you sure like to dance.

well thats enogth for tonight.

(Music Stopes)

It's time to go to bed

(Music Starts jellyfish turnes it on)


(Music off Spongebob turnes it off)

You got it all wrong little feller.

(Jellyfish turnes it back on)

(spongebob turnes it off)

BED repat after me Bed!

We'll just keep you right here.


Quit worring gary he'll be just fine, goodnight everybody.





(Jellyfish Laughing






Mmmmm,goodmorring Gary goodmorring jelly.

jellyfish?here jellyfish?jelly fish?

oh jellyfish

Oh jellyfish!

oh jelly...oh dye oh dye!!

(Music Startes again)
where did you all come from??

OK thats it party's over.

you guys have over stayed your welcome.

This music is way to LOUD!


Very funny!

I'm seruios!


aaarrrr 18 hours!

yo for!

I'm going to give that spongebob a pice of my mined.

spongebod listen to me!you squere hed asult in m ear's

i've had a noth' of this


Two can play at this!


come on guys a noth' ia a noth'


Oh oh!


hey take it easy!


(crying) ok i'll talk to him
Squidward is it possible to play your clarnet a little...better?

I don't think the jellyfish like it.


The jellyfish don't like!?!

Why sure pal i can play better



he said he'll play better.

oh oh! thats not better.

hey take it easy with that

Thoses are my things.

don't brake that!




arrr, wait i can turn it down.

aaar oowww oowww oooww arrr.

(Knocking at spongebobs door)

Everybody is a critic.

you want be hearing for me any more!


Hey now that was not nice.

Ok that is it everybody out!

yeww eeee ohhh!!


(Music stopes jellyfish get angry!)


I did't need to see that!

Writen by Lauren Griffiths
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The Yellow Album (2005)
Sponge Bob Square Pants / Theme Song Sweet Victory Ripped Pants Doing the Sponge He's Flying Gary's Song Sweater Song Hey All You People Bubble Beat Box Underwater Sun Bossy Boots Song When Worlds Collide Jelly Fish Jam Campfire Song Song Hey Mean Mr. Bossman Stadium Rave All You Need Is Friends Nick's B. Danube That's What Friends Do You're Old Electric Zoo Jingle Bells B.C. Strut Squidward's Clarinet Cha Ching