
In On Lyrics

i guess my time had come. time that finally i'd walk in on... i guess my luck had run. finally all run out, so i'll walk in on... i just want my friends right now. i just want my friends to help me out of this hopeless feeling i'm in, to forget what i saw. panic in my chest. clench around my stomach. funny when your heart starts beating faster (in a bad way.) God, how do i cat? they haven't seen me yet. turn, you stupid weakling. walk away and everything will be okay. i just want my friends right now. i just want my friends to talk me out of the stupid things i might do if i go on like this. i should knock you both out right now. God knows i'd like to. so that's what you look like when you're being kissed... i never would have know - my eyes were always closed. my eyes. always closed. last time i trust anyone. last time i trust you.
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Please Sennd Help (2001)
The Wedding Nani Aileron Salt Angel Shivering Fox You Stutter When You Sleep Box The Sun in Braids In On Little Gaze Gaze Happy Valley I Give Up. Goodbye.