
Sea Creatures Lyrics

The stars and moon
Remind me of you
I don't know what to say
It might make you worse
I don't understand
What her problem is
I think she's just a fish!

I know you get it bad
You don't deserve this
And I won't put up
With their ignorance

And they tell you
They love you
Well they don't mean it

I don't think they know what they mean!
I don't think they know what love is
Throw it around like it's worthless
I don't think they know what love is.
I don't get this town
Neither do you
We should run away
Just me and you.

Cause I don't get the people here
They're curious
They don't really care.
Sea creatures
I wish they would disappear...

They don't know what love is
Throw it around like it's worthless
They don't know what love is!

I pray for you
And you know I don't like Jesus!

Want you to get better...
Please, please get better
For you, for me
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Before We Forgot How to Dream (2015)
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