
Pootaa Maataa Kee Aasees Lyrics

Also Known as: Mother's Blessing

Complete Mantra:
Jis simrat sabh kilvikh naaseh pitri hoay udhaaro

So har har tum sad hi japahu jaa kaa ant na paaro

Puta mata kee asees

Nimakh na bisarao tumh ko har har sada bhajaho jagdees

Satgur tum ko hoe dayala satsang teree preet

Kaparh pat parmesar raakhee bhojan keertan neet

Amrit peevho sada chir jeevho har simrat anad ananta

Rang tamaasha pooran aasa kabhe na biaapai chinta

Bhavar tumaara ih man hovo har charna hohu kaula
Nanak Das un sang lapataio jio bundeh chaatrik maula

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib - Author: Guru Arjun Dev Ji


Remebering God all sins are erased and on's generations are saved.

So repeat the name Har, Har, the Lord who has no end or limitation.

O son, this is thy mother's blessing.

My you forget not god even for a moment, may you ever worship the lord of the universe.
May the true guru be kind to you, and may you love the company of saints.

May god's honor and protection be your clothing, and

may his praises and songs be your food.

So drink the ambosial nectar, live long, and be in the bliss of the lord's meditation.

May joy and pleasure be yours, May your hopes be fulfilled, and

May worry never touch you.

Let your mind be the b**ble bee, and the Lord's feet be the lotus flower.

Says Nanak, ever attach to the Lord's feet, and

blossom like the songbird who has found the raindrop.
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Divine Birth (2010)
Pootaa Maataa Kee Aasees Ja(n)miaa Pooth Aadi Shakti Guru Ram Das Lullaby Pootaa Maataa Kee Aasees (recitation) Ja(n)miaa Pooth (recitation)