Migla, migla, rasa, rasa
Tās man labu nedarīj'
Rasā manas kājas mirka
Miglā nozūd k**eliņš
Nokrīt migla, nokrīt rasa
Atrod savu k**eliņ'
Atrod savu k**eliņu
Pie Mēneša namdurvīm
Mēness ņēma Saules meitu
Aicin' mani vedībās
Kā es jāšu vedībās
Nesedlotu k**eliņ'
Saule deva zelta sedlus
Mēness sudrab' iemauktiņs
Nu es varu droši jāti
Dieva dēlu pulciņā
Krustiem auga kokiem saknes
Krustiem zvaigznes debesīs
Sāniem jāja Dieva dēli
Krustiem tek'a k**eliņ'
Oh fog, oh dew
Neither one was good for me
The dew dampened my feet
The fog made me lose my steed
The fog lifted, the dew lifted
I found my horse
I found my horse
At the Mēness's doorstep
The Mēness took the daughter of Saule
And invited me to a wedding
How can I ride to a wedding
On a horse without saddle?
The Saule gave me a golden saddle
The Mēness - a silver bridle
Now I can boldly ride
Together with the sons of Dievs
Crosswise grow the roots of trees
Crosswise stars shine in the sky
The sons of Dievs ride next to me
Crosswise galloping our horses
Tās man labu nedarīj'
Rasā manas kājas mirka
Miglā nozūd k**eliņš
Nokrīt migla, nokrīt rasa
Atrod savu k**eliņ'
Atrod savu k**eliņu
Pie Mēneša namdurvīm
Mēness ņēma Saules meitu
Aicin' mani vedībās
Kā es jāšu vedībās
Nesedlotu k**eliņ'
Saule deva zelta sedlus
Mēness sudrab' iemauktiņs
Nu es varu droši jāti
Dieva dēlu pulciņā
Krustiem auga kokiem saknes
Krustiem zvaigznes debesīs
Sāniem jāja Dieva dēli
Krustiem tek'a k**eliņ'
Oh fog, oh dew
Neither one was good for me
The dew dampened my feet
The fog made me lose my steed
The fog lifted, the dew lifted
I found my horse
I found my horse
At the Mēness's doorstep
The Mēness took the daughter of Saule
And invited me to a wedding
How can I ride to a wedding
On a horse without saddle?
The Saule gave me a golden saddle
The Mēness - a silver bridle
Now I can boldly ride
Together with the sons of Dievs
Crosswise grow the roots of trees
Crosswise stars shine in the sky
The sons of Dievs ride next to me
Crosswise galloping our horses