
Excavation of the Mind Lyrics

Stuck on a highway
It's everything there is right now
That matters most
Dig deep, stay low
Dreams about this empty lake
It's everything you have right now
Stay silent
Dig deep, look closer

It's you in this freezing air
It's everything you feel right now

Trouble on a highway
It's something we all mis right now
or further years
Dig deep, get lost
Dreams about your empty life
It's everything you need right now
Dig deep, find nothing

It's you in this freezing s***e
It's all around you now right now
Excavation of your mind
Under the sun
All we have
Is just begun

Its something we all miss right now
Its everything you need right now
You are so kind but that is something else
This light wont reach my mind
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Excavations of the Mind (2010)
Deep Chasm, Part I: Charter Deep Chasm, Part II: Chime Deep Chasm, Part III: Changeling Deep Chasm, Part IV: Chasm The Grey Legend Russian Wisdom Excavation of the Mind Gyrocopter