
Heysátan (live) Lyrics

höfðum þau hallí ró
en ég sló
ég sló tún
ég hef slegið fjandans nóg
en ég sló
þá fer að fjúka út
út í mó.. (ég dró)
heyvagn á massey ferguson
því hann gaf undan
og mér fótur rann... andskotann
ég varð undan
og nú hvíli hér
með beyglað der
og sáttur halla nú höfði hér

the stack of hey
had them all calm
but I mowed
I mowed fields
I have mowed f****** enough
but I moved
the stack of hey
then begins to blow out the door
out into the field (I dragged)
a wagon of hay on Massey Ferguson
'cause he gave in
and I slipped... f***
I was first
and now rest here
with a folded cap
and now loll my head here, content
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