
Kathy's Dance Lyrics

There's a girl that we all know
she dances to the right and slow
got the means and way to say, "sicko"
any moment now
She got the way
She got the way to say
It's Kathy's dance
She gets stoned
Leave me alone
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A Brief History of Sicko (1999)
fB Song Broken String Pain in the a** Art Chicks Lady Kathy's Dance Count Me Out 80 Dollars Weight of the Sun Downhill From Here Along the Way Intro Escape Velocity Three Tea Last Word Steven These Days Panama Rehashed (live) When to Quit (live) Mike TV (live) Little (live) High Hopes (live) Ya Ya (live) Kenny (live) Little Star (live) Farm Song (live) Believe (live) An Indie Rock Daydream (live) Dateless Losers (live) A Song About a Rabbit (live) Weasel of Doom (live)