
Save The Clock Tower Lyrics

I can't say what I'm trying to hide and I can't defeat this. The best part of me is dead and gone. I can't commit cause i can't define if your and enemy or friend another chance is taken. Attending support groups with others like me. Why do i feel so alone? I can't sleep at night. Another promise I'll never trust. An open hand that I can't trust. An open hand that I can't touch when all these memories come flooding back to me I know it's not you but when you touch me. Wanna scream. f*** you. I'm ruined for good. The simplest forms of affection are much to frightening to bear emotional train wreck. Physical nightmare. That is too much for me to ask. You shouldn't have to deal with this. Don't try to understand what I've been through he's made me to weak to bring this razor to my wrist. This verdict. Exposer. It russ the salt deeper in my wounds your guilty. No closure. This will surely be the death of me.
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Fugitives And Refugees (2007)
Vs Save The Clock Tower I'm Not Down, Unless You're Fully Down Chainsaw Juggling Kill Me Asbestos You Can Fugitives And Refugees Throwing Wrenches In The Gears This Town Needs An Enema As You Wish Funeral Starts With Fun Life Jackets Are Foreboding Watch Out Laszlo Panaflex