Tüm renkler soldu
Kapkara çukurda
Tüm sesler sustu
Bir anda
Tüm ruhlar çürümüş
Kasvetli kutlama
Tüm sahte yüzlerde
Deri maske
Ve yine
Boğuluyor benliğim
English Translation:
Somber Celebration
all colors have faded
in a pitch black hole
all voices are quiet
all spirits have rotted away
sombre celebration
upon all the fake faces
leather masks
and again
within nothingness!
my existence drowning
in the depths
Kapkara çukurda
Tüm sesler sustu
Bir anda
Tüm ruhlar çürümüş
Kasvetli kutlama
Tüm sahte yüzlerde
Deri maske
Ve yine
Boğuluyor benliğim
English Translation:
Somber Celebration
all colors have faded
in a pitch black hole
all voices are quiet
all spirits have rotted away
sombre celebration
upon all the fake faces
leather masks
and again
within nothingness!
my existence drowning
in the depths