
Spotted Horse Lyrics

T'ááłá'í, naaki, ałk'édisí ashkii,
T'áá', dį́į́, łikizh bilį́į́',
Ashdla', hastáán, haajį́' naadą́ą́?
Tsosts'id, tseebíí, télii dobilį́į́,
Dootł'izh bininaa, náhást'éí neeznáá!
Neezáá, náhást'éí, tseebíí, tsosts'id, hastáán,
ashdla', dį́į́, t'áá', naaki...
One, two, sweet candy boy,
Three, four, owns a spotted horse,
Five, six, where's the corn?
Seven, eight, he owns a donkey too,
With blue eyes, nine, ten!

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two...
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