
Envy Of The Empty Lyrics

I'm waiting for the frailty of the mind to manifest in my body
In the blink of an eye I've witnessed civilisations and morals die
I despise this wretched body so set on eternal perseverance
I have seen the life leave far too many eyes
Gasping and grasping at my arm
Begging for a saviour
Time has forgotten me here, but I have forgotten nothing
I am the Vessel

Souls fleeing to location unknown
Shells withered and vacant
Hollowed vessels
Envy of the empty
Is this just all my imagination?
Is this just the workings of a mind gone mad?

I'm losing will, losing hope, losing faith and sanity
I am losing the belief that this will eventually work out
Can someone, something, give me an answer to why I have to shoulder this burden alone?
Why can't someone ease this weight I bear?
An eternity of memories and whisperings
It claws and eats away at the framework of my mind
Unraveling reason and begging for excision
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